Wednesday, April 14, 2010


John, Vause. (2010, Apr 15). .Dazed survivors of China quake spend chilly night in the open. CNN. Retrieved Apr 15, 2010, from

Few hours before Thursday came, one of the strongest earthquakes hit an area in Qinghai causing a hight number of killing and injuring people. CNN's Johns Vause reported that With this unexpected situations and awe views of collapsing building and bleeding people, civilians walking around streets looking for survivors unable to assimilate what had happened. Many of the people who live in mountain regions were sat or lay on the ground with a frieze night because their homes were flatted by the earthquake. Zhu Liang,a Yushu prefecture government worker, said many of the students who live in school dormitories are killed and missed, Zhu said,''half of the buildings in the Yushu Vocational School fall,'' unknown number of dead students,'I recovered several bodies from the debris and found they were fully dressed.'' Many people left Jiegu headed to Xining because of the terrible situation in Jiegu that is no one can sit there, Xinhua said."The streets in Jiegu are thronged with panic, injured people, with many bleeding from the head," Xinhua had been told. a resident lives in Jiegu said that people were leaving to mountains in case if the flooding came.