Friday, March 26, 2010


Renewable Energy Sources In The United States. B ranch(2009, September). Solar Energy. Retrieved March 26, 2010, from

The article mentioned that solar energy has few negative impacts during collector operation. in addition, It said that solar energy system is cost a large number of money because it is new. As the article mentioned, although we can get free with large amount of light, this system is still cost because of the required equipments. In this article, the writer explains the importance of solar energy and the impacts in negative side. This article helps me because I am concern in my research about the effectiveness of solar energy, however, one of the reasons that makes the humanity trends to use solar energy is reducing the pollution that dominant out world. I want to find if there is negative effects for us as people who are going in the future and how value it is.


  1. Hope you do a good job at your research paper...fighting!!!haha....

  2. I am sure everyone wants to use solar panel, but you're right that we have to be careful about its possible negative effects.
